Sunday, January 17, 2010

Do Technology Teachers Dream of Electronic Women?

Years ago Dennis Miller opined that when virtual reality advanced to the point that "an unemployed iron worker can lie in his barcolounger and fuck Claudia Schiffer for $19.95, it will make crack look like Sanka."
Well, a New Jersey based company has moved us one step closer to that fateful day. Douglas Hines and TrueCompanion have created Roxxy, which they are calling "the world's first sex robot". She's a life sized latex doll with sensors in all the right places and a laptop plugged into her back. Roxxy talks, in one of five distinct personalities, and can "learn" things by having them loaded into the computer in her back. Kinda makes me think it would be like having sex with Teddy Ruxpin.
The creators say, "Sex only goes so far, and then you want to talk..." Yes, that is exactly what dudes who are using this contraption are thinking. "Hey, I just banged an 80 pound piece of inanimate rubber which cost me seven thousand dollars...I'd really like to chat with it now." My best guess is that feelings of shame and remorse will overpower any urge to talk. But let's say you do manage to strike up a conversation, then what? Now you've made a connection with your new "girlfriend", which is going to make it that much harder to shove her back under the bed.
Another strange but true aspect of the sexbot is that the makers of Roxxy had originally set out with much more noble intentions. They saw this new technology as a surrogate caregiver for the elderly. When faced with myriad codes, laws and restrictions that blocked their path they of course moved to the next logical step. "Well, since it can't stay with grandma while you're out...maybe guys will want to stick their junk in it." Such is the history of innovation.

above left: Roxxy the Sexbot circa 2010
above right: Pris the Sexbot circa 2019 (via 1982's Blade Runner)


Jim said...

"Make me a sandwitch!"

Unknown said...

Great toast to Philip K. Dick.
Has anyone actually bought one of these. And if yes, let's find out whom he is and prank call the loser everyday for a month.

Dave said...

Who are you callin' a loser?

Jeanne said...

...don't think I'll touch this one...

Jeanne said...

...on second thought, I do think that the next Indira Ghandi with a penis could use one of those sexbots...Dave, when was the last time you hugged your mother...