Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Did I Miss Something?

I flipped by the Fox News Channel today and all they could talk about was some guy I'd never heard of before I went to bed. They made it sound like he had just been elected to the highest office in the land. The commentators couldn't stop talking about the power he would wield. Sean Hannity seemed positively giddy about the "change" that had come to D.C.
I figured I had better get myself up to speed on this guy because he must have been elected president while I slept. All I could ascertain to this point was that his name is Scott Brown, he's from Massachusetts and he drives a pick-up truck (a point he seems VERY proud of). Imagine my surprise when a Google search yielded the above photo.
Holy Hell! I needed to know more. I flipped over to CNN to see what else I could learn about this man. I was heartened to see that he exhibited good old traditional family values...including pimping out his daughters during his victory speech. Mr. Brown was especially eager to let everyone know that the tall one was "available". I quickly found out she was a star basketball player at Boston College AND a contestant on American Idol.
Maybe the Mayans were right about 2012 after all...


Jim said...

Hang on there my friend. Seems to me the good people of Mass have done us all a favor in electing Mr. Brown. Sure he may have some pictures in a magazine...but can you imagine the pictures Barney Frank has been viewing for the last umpteen years he has been disgracing the House? As for the moral integrity of the last person to fill that Senate seat...well, let me just say we'll cross that bridge at a later date...

Dave said...

Trust me, I'm in no position to question anyone's moral integrity. (OK, maybe some people's). I just think it's some funny stuff. Not only for the pictures and the awkward way he tried to pawn off his daughter, but for the way some people in the media have already got this guy measuring for carpet in the Oval Office.
As for Barney Frank. I think it's a laugh riot to think that, many years ago, he may have "enjoyed" those photos of the new senator never suspecting that they'd one day be political adversaries.
Great last line about the bridge btw, is that an Armbruster original?